Science and Practice of Life Transformation DaimokuPower for Activating the Unlimited Cosmic Source of Happiness and Abundance!
                                                    Science and Practice of Life Transformation   DaimokuPower for Activating the Unlimited Cosmic Source of Happiness and Abundance! 

Il 23 maggio 2022 abbiamo tenuto un seminario online su "Gli effetti positivi delle pratiche meditative (compreso Daimoku) sulla nostra salute fisica, mentale ed emotiva" per gli studenti del Master presso il Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale e Clinica dell'Università di Firenze. 

On May 23rd, 2022, we held an online seminar about "The positive effects of meditative practices (incl. Daimoku) on our physical, mental and emotional health" for the students of the Master's course at the Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine of the University of Florence, Italy.  

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Event by Loriana Pitzalis and Gabriella Divino

Pineta di Corona Maria, Cortoghiana

SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 2021 AT 6 PM – 8:30

Private Only people who are invited

Yukio Matsudo e Susanne Matsudo Kiliani, Professori universitari e studiosi di storia delle religioni, da anni hanno concentrato la loro attenzione sullo studio del potere del Daimoku, pratica Buddista che si basa sugli insegnamenti di Nichiren Daishonin. I loro studi hanno condotto alla sperimentazione scientifica di come le vibrazioni del suono del mantra incidono profondamente sulle nostre cellule, portando grandi benefici all'organismo e rafforzando il nostro essere. Sono in vacanza in Sardegna e ci piace condividere con voi la loro presenza: ci parleranno dei loro esperimenti e degli enormi benefici della pratica, che potrete ritrovare nei loro libri.

Event by Loriana Pitzalis and Gabriella Divino

We are now concentrating on researching, writing and publishing a series of innovative approaches to present Nichiren Buddhism in our contemporary context.

At the annual conference of "Religions for Peace" in Dortmund on November 17, 2016, Susanne, respresenting all Budhists of DBU in Germany, talked about the Buddhist aspect that our thoughts form our lives.

The former Federal President Christian Wulff gave a speech about the "social responsibility of religion."  

Three newspaper articles  were published on this event:…/…/dortmund-stadt-dortmund-interreligioe…

Workshop on the subject "Enhancing our energy by daimoku" on 14. August 2016 in the DPI, Heidelberg

in a conference of "Religions for Peace" in Osnabrück

A speech on the "humanistic position of Nichiren Buddhism" at the conference forum organized by the German branch of  "Religions for Peace" at "Katholikentag", Leipzig, on  May 27, 2016.

A talk about  the "Characteristics of German Buddhists" in the seminar organized by the Lotus Buddhism Research Group, on May 17, 2016 in Tokyo. The report is based on my own survey within the German Buddhist Union (DBU) of summer 2014. 

The "Round Table of  Religions for Peace" at Hannover in November 2015. Susanne represented the German Buddhist Union among Catholic & Protestant Churches, Muslim Associations and Jewish Association.

A lecture about Nichiren Buddhism from the pulpit in a Protestant Church in Hannover during the "Kirchentag" of  the Protestant Church in Germany in June 2015.

A Workshop about "Happiness based on Buddhist philosophy and practice" in April 2015 in VHS of Schriesheim. 

A podium discussion of EZW at its institute in Berlin in Februar 2015.

A presentation of our research result about the subject "Fascination Buddhism - What motivates Germans to practice Buddhism?" in a conference of the German Buddhist Union (DBU) at Düsseldorf

A lecture about a trend of Oecumenism in Budhism in a symposium in Essen in Septembeer 2014.

A seminar about German Buddhists for ministers of Protestant Church in April 2014.

A public lecture about the subject "Happiness for the Buddhist perspective" in DAI (German American Institute, Heidelberg) in February 2013 

We are an independent research institute 

for developing

a bridge between the wisdom of Nichiren Buddhism and

new scientific approaches. 



Dr. Yukio Matsudo & Dr. Susanne Matsudo-Kiliani

69118 Heidelberg


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